Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First Post

Hey, I'm Yumeko. This is my first post. I made this blog because, well, I'm an Otaku. If you do not know what an Otaku is, it's Japanese for somebody who is way into Manga, Anime, and Videogames. Perfect. Plus I'm Japanese, so yeah. Here I will put stuff about my life, Manga, Anime,Videogames, and some other stuff I feel like blogging about. But I will try not to get to "off topic." If you are an Otaku please follow this Blog!

Toon Link
Oh yeah, since this is the first post I'm going to put a photo of a doodle of Toon Link and Pikachu. Just look at the post and two photos should be there. Of course. I did find some things that I should correct but I'm too lazy -.-

Jyaa neh!

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